How It Works

Trashbreaker 2.0™ is a crop residue breakdown and nutrient release aid from Planet Earth Agronomy. The product was specifically formulated to break down crop residue to promote nutrient release as well as support spring planting efforts. By providing crops with a strong start at planting, growers can expect better seed to soil contact, leading to higher yields at the end of the season. Plus, with an affordable price point, growers can positively impact their bottom-line with a healthy return on investment.
Trashbreaker 2.0™ is specifically designed to break down crop residue in the field, improving planter performance and releasing valuable nutrients to feed the crop.
Use Rate
Apply 12.8 oz per acre with a minimum 10 gallons of water. Highly compatible tank mix partner with most herbicide and fertility programs. Optimum rate of application will vary depending on treatment interval, soil properties (such as pH, organic matter content, texture), weather conditions, time of year, plant species and its nutrient requirements. For best results, follow soil/tissue test recommendation.
Product Availability & Ordering
Planet Earth Agronomy provides Excavator™ in the sizes listed below. To learn more about pricing or to order, please contact us using the link below.