
Trashbreaker is a crop residue breakdown and nutrient release aid from Planet Earth Agronomy. The product was specifically formulated to break down crop residue to promote nutrient release as well as support spring planting efforts. By providing crops with a strong start at planting, growers can expect better seed to soil contact, leading to higher yields at the end of the season. Plus, with an affordable price point, growers can positively impact their bottom-line with a healthy return on investment.
Trashbreaker is a soil health & mineralization formula that features a customized blend of specially selected bacteria that have been combined to work in synergy to degrade and compost post-harvest residue and promote nutrient recycling.
Trashbreaker can be used on all soil types and crop residues. It can be applied post-harvest or post-cover crop. It can be applied on impregnated dry fertilizer, broadcast liquid applications, with boom sprayer, and pivot irrigation.
Tank mix compatible with any fertilizers, surfactants, herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, and soil amendments. Once product tank mix has been made, it should be sprayed within 3 days. Agitate well for 3-5 minutes before use.
Use Rate
Apply 1 gallon per acre to achieve 700 billon CFU per gallon/acre. One 250 gallon tote treats 250 acres.
Product Availability & Ordering
Planet Earth Agronomy provides Trashbreaker in the sizes listed below. To learn more about pricing or to order, please contact us using the link below.