Agronomic Services Offered

Planet Earth Agronomy provides Agronomic Services to growers in conjunction with our retail partners. We follow a simple process to help better understand challenges facing our farmer/grower clients. The process is called 3D Analysis. The 3D stands for Discover, Diagnose, and Document. Through this process we use many tools at our disposal. Some of these tools include standard soil tests, CO2 Microbial Testing, Resin Ball Testing, OnSite Nitrate testing, Soil DNA Testing, Heavy Metal Testing, Chemical and Pesticide Testing. For in season analysis we use standard tissue testing, sap testing, SPAD Meter Testing, Proprietary AI Disease ID software, and High Resolution Drone and Satellite Imagery. 


Tissue Sampling

Macro & Micro Nutrients

Pathology & Diagnostics


Soil Sampling

Biological Population
