Supported Crops
Planet Earth Agronomy services a wide variety of crops from traditional Row Crops to Specialty Fruits and Vegetables. With four decades of experience across a multitude of crops grown in North America, Larry Fiene, CEO of Planet Earth Agronomy, and his team of experienced agronomists have a unique and diverse knowledge-base of the agronomic practices that lead to healthier soils, plants, and profits. Planet Earth currently supports 17 crop species ranging from Alfalfa to Watermelon. If you want to learn more about Crop-specific offerings from Planet Earth Agronomy, please find your crop below and complete the contact form to speak with a Planet Earth Representative.
Farmers in Wisconsin grow over 2 million acres of alfalfa. We have been working with alfalfa for 40 years researching nutrient uptake, soil biology, foliar biostimulants, fungicides, insect control, as well as harvest and drying for maximum yield and quality. Data from these studies and those of the USDA and UW will be available on this site as we upload them.
Apples are grown throughout Wisconsin with three larger growing regions in Door County, La Crosse, and Gays Mills. Our work centers around improving nutrient balance and increasing calcium uptake for better fruit production and quality. Soil health is an issue on some operations where high levels of residue and herbicides have accumulated. We have microbial products to breakdown both the residue and excess pesticides in the soil profile. To learn more about our work with this crop, please take a second to view our explainer video or fill out the contact form below to get in touch with a representative.
We work with blueberry growers in Wisconsin with the goals to improve firmness, berry size, storage quality, and yield. To learn more about our work with this crop, please take a second to fill out the contact form below to get in touch with a representative.

We work with organic basil growers to to help improve production and overcome the challenges with weeds, insects and diseases. To learn more about our work with this crop, please take a second to view our explainer video or fill out the contact form below to get in touch with a representative.
We work with U.S. Borax to produce a product we call Bionic Boron for use on beets. The unique formulation makes it more available for beets in foliar applications and also compatible for soil applications with other nutrients and by itself as a side dress. To learn more about our work with this crop, please take a second to fill out the contact form below to get in touch with a representative.

To learn more about our work with this crop, fill out the contact form below to get in touch with a representative.
Cherries are considered a minor crop in Wisconsin, but not to us. We grew cherries in the 1970’s at home and worked with cherry growers in Door County before land development and production issues reduced the acreage substantially. To learn more about our work with this crop, please take a minute to fill out the contact form below to get in touch with a representative.

We have four million acres of corn in Wisconsin, with about a million acres of that harvested as silage. We also work extensively with sweetcorn, popcorn and seed corn producers. Our work with corn focuses on producing higher yields for growers who have challenges with nutrient uptake, and availability, and are trying to improve their profitability on tough acres. To learn more about our work with this crop, please take a second to view our explainer video or fill out the contact form below to get in touch with a representative.
We have limited experience with cotton. However, we have excellent products for cotton production that can reduce heat, and drought stress and improve overall soil health. To learn more about our work with this crop, please take a minute to fill out the contact form below to get in touch with a representative.

Our company has been working with cranberry growers since 1981. Starting with Olin manufactured fertilizer and the introduction of Devrinol for weed control in cranberries we have seen a lot of changes. Our work today focuses on increasing berry size, color and storage characteristics for fresh fruit growers and yield for others. To learn more about our work with this crop, please take a second to view our explainer video or fill out the contact form below to get in touch with a representative.
Grapes are one of our heritage crops in our home area and have been grown for wine production since 1840. Our clients grow grapes brandy, wine and fresh fruit. Our biostimulant, soil nutrient and foliar program helps to synchronize the growth, and increase the brix level and production for our clients. To learn more about our work with this crop, please take a second to view our explainer video or fill out the contact form below to get in touch with a representative.

Oats are part of our base acres in Wisconsin for use as a companion crop for alfalfa and alone for contract to Quaker and other food companies. To learn more about our work with this crop, please take a second to view our explainer video or fill out the contact form below to get in touch with a representative.
Wisconsin has been the number one state for production of green peas for processing and freezing. Our pea production is improving with the application of biostimulants to trigger more uniform flowering and stress reduction during the fill period. To learn more about our work with this crop, please view and fill out our contact form below to get in touch with a representative.

Potatoes are a strong crop in Wisconsin where processors and food companies develop innovative consumer products. Some of the main potato companies that produce high quality consumer products are The Little Potato Company, Alsum Produce, McCains, Frito Lay, Heartland Farms, Wyzocki Produce, and McDonalds. Each of these companies and others require a nutrient and biostimulant program that meets the needs of company and consumer in terms of quality, safety and sustainability. To learn more about our work with this crop, please take a minute to fill out the contact form below to get in touch with a representative.

One of our favorite crops, soybeans are a great crop for us in the Midwest. Our acres in Wisconsin and the Upper Midwest have more than doubled in the past 20 years. We have standard dry land programs and irrigated soybean programs. If you are looking to improve your soybean program, fill out our contact form below to get in touch with a representative.
Strawberries ore one of the top crops we work with under glass and on truck farms across the Midwest. Our programs have been fine tuned from work and collaboration with Dutch consultants on our greenhouse strawberries, and with local growers over the past 30 years with local outdoor growers. To learn more about our work with this crop, please fill out the contact form below to get in touch with a representative.

We work with local Wisconsin tobacco growers and with tobacco growers in Tennessee and Kentucky. Our products have been used to help fields recover from Spartan damage, storage rot from low nutrient levels, reducing fire blight, and other anomalies. To learn more about our work with this crop, please fill out the contact form below to get in touch with a representative.
Tomatoes are a critical crop in our greenhouse industry. To learn more about our work with this crop, please fill out the contact form below to get in touch with a representative.

To learn more about our tissue sampling, and work with foliar products for improved wheat yield fill out the contact form below to get in touch with a representative.