
CropFuse™ 90/10 NIS is an economical, 90% active, low-foaming, non-ionic activator adjuvant that enhances crop protection performance by improving spray solution coverage and penetration of target leaf surfaces.


CropFuse™ 90/10 NIS is an economical, 90% active, low-foaming, non-ionic activator adjuvant that enhances crop protection performance by improving spray solution coverage and penetration of target leaf surfaces.

Use Rate

16oz per 100 gallons of spray solution.


Product Availability & Ordering

Planet Earth Agronomy provides CropFuse™ NIS in the sizes listed below. To learn more about pricing or to order, please contact us using the link below.

2 X 2 1/2 Gal

Mini-Bulk (250 Gal)