
Premium 21 is an organic certified, soil applied, highly compatiable liquid humic product. Bio-Gro’s product technology allows the humic acid colloid to be mixed with other liquid fertilizers and remain evenly dispersed without compromising colloidial structure, unlike standard humic products in which colloids agglomerate into large particles, with reduced surface area. Premium 21 reaches the roots, where it’s needed.
Overview: Premium 21 is an organic certified, soil applied, highly compatiable liquid humic product. Bio-Gro’s product technology allows the humic acid colloid to be mixed with other liquid fertilizers and remain evenly dispersed without compromising colloidial structure, unlike standard humic products in which colloids agglomerate into large particles, with reduced surface area. Premium 21 reaches the roots, where it’s needed.
Benefits: Premium 21 contains multiple bio-substances commonly found in natural root exudes, known to stimulate plant growth and improve mineral uptake. Large, healthy root systems have increased nutrient uptake potential. When applied early and frequently, Premium 21 aids in root growth throughout the entirety of plants lifecycle. Containing 2 lbs/gallon of concentrated organic matter, Premium 21 adds water soluable organic matter to soil without the bulk of conventional sources like compost and manure, while stimulating and improving soil microbiology. Timing and rate of application is critical to consistency and potential of results.
Use Rate
CHB Premium 21 can be applied by side dress and banding equipment, water run through irrigation systems, or sprayed directly on soils or foliar applied with other fertilizer materials. CHB Premium 21 can also be impregnated into dry fertilizer blends.
Use 5-15 gallons/acre per season for best results.
Early Season: Water run 3-8 gallons/acre at periods of rapid growth.
Late Season: Water run 2-7 gallons/acre with calcium to increase late season root growth.
Product Availability & Ordering
Planet Earth Agronomy provides CHB Premium 21 in the sizes listed below. To learn more about pricing or to order, please contact us using the link below.